Sunday, May 3, 2009

Something for Nothing-"Just become an affiliate..."

"Just become an affiliate and watch the $$$ come rolling in, I made $652,287.47 last minute and so can YOU!" I love this stuff. Today I just have to say it, WTF? Sorry for cussing but sometimes there's just no other way to get the point across with the same emphasis. I know some will disagree but that's why there's a comment button at the bottom of the post. I mean, really? Last minute? On autopilot? Without talking to anyone, doing anything? I've been looking for a way to make money without doing anything for quite some time now, I found only one persistent obstacle. A conscience. Yes good old fashion I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror, sleep at night, constantly afraid to give out my home address-conscience.

I can't bring myself to ignore this for the accumulation of money. And the truth is that I wouldn't want to be without the satisfaction that I provided the world with the necessary contributions to acquire it. What does it mean to me at the end of the day? I'm right with God and myself. I used to spend a good deal of time caught up in the fear of criticism of others-not a good way to live life or do business. But over the years this has been replaced with a definite purpose, goals, and the understanding of the wonderful industry I will be a part of for the rest of my days. What is this going to require of me? First, it will require training in network marketing. And guess where that starts? You guessed it, with me.

To be successful I have to know a little bit about people, and if I don't know about myself I will flounder from one affiliate scam to the next. Self-improvement leads eventually to self-confidence, or at least it better! Is that all there is to it, definitely not. Having a plan might be helpful in checking to see if you are indeed making progress. Some of this is beginning to sound like work. Hence the saying you don't get 'something for nothing' I think our government is in the process of finding this out too! Yes, I had to go there too, but you know it's progress and today that's where I'm at.

So how does all of this affect my motivation? Definitely in a positive way. I know why I'm in this industry, why I want to be successful, and why it is I'm still alive and healthy-the most surprising of all. It's because of the people who took the time to help me. Call it a debt of gratitude, but this is what moves me beyond the objections of family, friends, and former colleagues. This is what will push me beyond my current capabilities to realize legitimate royalty income, to say nothing of the residual income. I have never been averse to hard work, but I can say in all honesty that working on myself has been the most difficult and rewarding.

So while $652,287.47 a minute did catch my attention and seems inviting enough, at the end of the day if it doesn't push me beyond my current capabilities it could never be worth it. Why? Because leaders don't inspire without motivating others to become more than what they are now. And also is there the possibility for duplication? Can I mentor the people in my organization to take action to develop the leader relationship with themselves so that they can mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs? Cause network marketing is NOT a sales business, if it was then I'd be able to make $652,287.47 a minute and be able to sleep at night. The truth is it's a people building business that takes commitment and yes, some hard work.

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