Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Servant Leadership

I really like the sound of this servant leadership. I wake up early on most days and cook myself breakfast and decided to microblog the ingredients to my Twitter and Facebook status. Well, did you know there are hungry folks out there? Well, maybe they didn't realize it until reading my status. A friend of mine on Facebook was kind enough to comment, "did you make enough for everyone? Seriously!" In fact I had. Our student organization at the university Non-Traditional Students Organization was hosting a table for a Marrow Donor Drive and I made a round for my officers and volunteers.

Does that make me a servant leader? Probably not. But it does make me feel good to help out those who help out the organization I lead. I made a commitment to my health to follow a food plan suggested by a personal trainer-he suggested 80/20. And I know what you're thinking, it's 80% good home made, healthy meals and 20% junk-not the other way around! I also made another commitment to my mastermind group, that I would participate in a 30 day mental cleanse. OMG! Has this commitment been life changing! Without going into details, let's just say it has helped me to stop the chatter and focus on the guy who has been the main character in my drama of life-me.

In many areas of my life I have been freed from character traits that have not served me very well. Now it is such a gift to continue to take out the trash so to speak surrounding my business life. Since I am in a people business it seems that the only way to help others is by first ironing out my own kinks and letting the rest fall where it does the greatest good at the end of the day. Life has and continues to bring challenges and gifts by the bucket full. Some days it's a little easier to notice the challenge bucket, which always reminds me of one of my favorite bumper stickers, "Oh no, not another learning experience!" But now the days that are most precious to me are the days where gratitude is the guiding thought for my interactions with all the wonderful people in my life.

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