Friday, April 10, 2009

Definite Purpose

Having a purpose. A clear and defined purpose. I have met with a wonderful loving community of folks sharing their time and ideas-an amazing mastermind group for a student of the network marketing industry. I will be part of creating a highly prosperous, fun-loving-and having, organization of leaders who will lead the way in taking back the American Dream.

Infectious enthusiasm! Repeat after me, Infectious enthusiasm. Infectious enthusiasm for health, infectious enthusiasm for prosperity, infectious enthusiasm for family, for community, for our world, for our children. As a drop on the calm waters of much needed change for humanity we will ripple through through the world’s communities with this infectious enthusiasm-the vehicle is my loving family-Mentoring for Free.

What a gift to give to a spirit starved world-one leader, one dreamer, one person at a time as a community-the truest altruism! I am so grateful to be a part of the greatest movement in network marketing. Network Marketing, the opportunity that will pay my children’s children and inspire the next generation of leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Eric,

    First let me say it is good to have you as part of our online family. My sentiments are like yours about this wonderful group of people and you have just added to this positive diversity by joining us. I know I would be where I am today if it were not for this Mastermind group. I will look forward to getting to know you better as the days, weeks, months and years pass. Keep blogging my new friend and I will read them.

    Friends 4 Life!
    Eddie Garcia
    (229) 889-9532 Anytime!
